“Yea”he said slightly embarrassed, so I reached up to his neck and undid the clasp and took off the helmet for him thanks” he said as i was putting it on. My nerves were skyrocketing, it looked so high up I started up the ladder real slowly, I could smell the dry bitter air as I froze in place, I was so scared, what if I fell off and hurt myself> or what if someone else …show more content…
I was able to do it because as soon as the man strapped me in, the others quickly pulled me up and I sat at a immense height. I guess There's no turning back now, I really wanted to get down anyways, so I have no alternative option, I have to pull the rope. ’Swoosh’ I never screamed so loud before-After awhile of just going around and helping out with the crew, I went to do the line rope, batman drop thingy. To see if I could do it because I feel much better from the swing. Soon it was my turn and i start feeling jittery and a little overwrought, I feel like backing again out again it would be easier-NO!! I mentally told myself, as I shakily climbed up, trying not to think about it. So I started talking about random things trying to avoid thinking about what I was doing, even though I was so shaky I might have slipped. I looked around and even from where I was, you could tell Jacob's head towered almost everyone around Him“Jake even up here you look like a giant!! haha” he laughed at what I said and He replied “what did you think I would shrink or …show more content…
My heart rushed, I felt a little more confident because I went on the swing, and people said “good job Willa”, and I felt proud of myself so I slowly came back to the middle and I tried to Batman fall down but it did not go according to plan.
I felt great as soon as I felt my feet hit the nice welcoming earthy ground once again. That was a lot easier than I thought it was, but i’m still shaking like a kitten purrs, the way it's nimble body shakes. I took off my bright sky blue helmet and gave it to Jake. I think it was clay that said “good job Willa”
“Thanks” i muttered lightly as I walked away, I feel great I actually went up and did it without backing out, I feel like I accomplished a lot, and I was glad I did face my fear but I don't think I will be doing that again anytime soon. It's a true wonder, when forced upon fear with no choice to back out, how that fear can be conquered.