and a broken clavicle. The owner of the house we crashed in front of must have heard the accident and helped, I remember someone put us on their flatbed and helped get the broken glass off of me and my sister. I'm sure it wasn't the volunteer firefighter, he was busy fiddling with our van. A cop showed up, then an ambulance, then a tow truck. Now here's the sick part, the cop saw the volunteer firefighter go in our van and turn off the lights, then he walked over to the cop and tried to tell him that our lights were not on when we had the accident- he was obviously drunk.
The firefighter was taken to the police station, and he was somehow let go. I can't remember very well but he was arrested a year later for another drunk driving thing, I heard this from the cop, he was our friend. But yeah, that's my story, if you want to hear more of what happened, um do something. I will be checking in forever so yeah.