During the first week of the practicum I was not able to have any direct contact with the students because of spring break. Instead I informed my supervisors of the course, and identified a student from my classroom that would benefit from an intervention. Prior spring break the school psychologist and I discussed the possibility of needing to create a behavior intervention plan for this individual.
The student I am working with is a kindergarten student named Shyne. He has severe expressive and receptive language …show more content…
I thought that the most appropriate data collection method would be collecting the total duration of the target behavior during each ten-minute trial. The reason for choosing duration as my recording method is I will be able to track the students time engaged each week and adjust the requirements for reward as needed so the student is successful. I will be using a stopwatch over a wall clock for more precise data collection. (Cooper, Heron, Heward, 2007) I would like to go over my proposed intervention with the school psychologist to get suggestions for improvement. I will also be asking the student about his preferences for reward in a choice format offering him edibles that can be made available as a reward for his hard work. The purpose of asking the individual of his preferences will to be to determine which items will be motivating. (Cooper, Heron, Heward, 2007) Edibles were chosen because they are able to be consumed quickly and not be overly distracting in our already busy multiage classroom. The tentative action research project includes a lesson on appropriate classroom behavior during instruction, a Social StoryTM, prompting, and the use positive reinforcement to increase the behavior during the intervention. The Social StoryTM will be used daily to remind Shyne of the expectations during class. The purpose of the Social StoryTM will be to “prepare the child for upcoming environment and/or activity so that he or she can perform the targeted social skill” (Luiselli, Russo, Christian, & Wilczynski, 2008, p.279) During instruction visual prompting will be used as