I had planned to go on a short ride just the dog and I before dinner. It was a cool October day around six pm and the sun had started to set. I thought the ride would be a peaceful one and did not plan to be gone long. I knew grandma was making dinner and I had to be back in time so it would not be cold when I did come back. I had the horse all saddled and we had started on our way because it had been a long day and I needed a break from my family; family can be a pain and you need to escape sometimes.
My expectation was that nothing would happen, I was actually excited for my ride because I had not ridden in a long time. The horse was acting good and I did not think she would act up while we were out. I ride on the road every time because nobody is ever driving on …show more content…
I was just going to go to the end of the dirt road, about a mile, and go home. The sun was in my eyes and it just so happened that someone was driving those roads that day. He said he barely seen me because of the sun. He had almost hit my horse and I could have easily broken his windshield. He did not see Reese and his tire went over the top of her. She let out a single yelp and then she was gone. I knew I could not lift the eighty-pound dog on to my horse. So I took off for home to tell grandpa that Reese had been hit by a car. I was so upset that it started to upset my horse. By the time I had the horse tied up the guy had come to apologize for what had