During the first 4 weeks of my internship, I assisted with gathering equipment in order to build the stages. I acted as a carpenter by using basic tools such as screwdrivers and saws as well as gather 2 by 4 in order to build multiple platforms. It did took me a few tries in order to fully work with the power …show more content…
This process was more familiar to more due to my experience in being a run crew member for the play Joe Turner’s Come and Gone, which ran at Clayton State. I had to work with other crew members who were easy to work with and was like friends during the entire festival. Some of the things I had to do include, sorting out props for the actions, setting up the props backstage as well as preparing the props for “fight call”. I also had to gather and set props during the transitions and make sure actors are entering in certain areas. Overall, I felt the run of the shows went smooth and the experience of interning with Essential Theater was