I always liked Borders even when my interest of books died out. The store had such great atmosphere, the lighting was subtle, the smell of the pages was relaxing, the whole design of the floor room was aesthetically pleasing. Along with that, they also had a cafe that had these extremely tasty root beers. I would always bother my dad to take me to borders and this one day he took me, I was acting more stupid than usual.
When we arrived to the store, my dad was already irritated at me from the car ride there. We walked into the store and my dad set me loose. I was running around the store, looking at books and inappropriately commenting on them, shouting all of the thoughts that came to my mind while catching some dirty looks from the other customers walking around the store. I returned to my dad and before we left, I asked him for one of root beers from the cafe. He would not let me have one, so I went where no man had gone before, I yelled at my dad in the middle of the store, creating a scene for the whole to