I was rape repeatedly. Did Harrison have to wait until she was shot or worse in order for the “Stand your ground law,” to apply to her. I was so scared that night and didn’t know what to do I froze. If I had to cougar to fire warning shots, maybe the outcome would have been better. I wish I had the cougar Ashley. With her being able to think face on her feet, she was able to escape from harm’s way. I feel if Ashley was white her situation would have been so much different. For the judge to basically state that she shouldn’t have surrounded herself “with a guy like that,” is stereotyping Ashley and her children father. Ashley didn’t ask for that to happen nor did her kids father ask to be shot in the head. Just because the both are black you almost expect them to be racially profiled. African Americans always dealt with being racially profiled. From cases like Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Mike brown, and Sandra Bland. In all those cases the African Americans were all profiled and ended up died in the hands of white police officers and neither cop was charged with their deaths. He worked every day according to Vibe, Harrison boyfriend was in hope of a better life for his family. He moved his family from what he thought was a rough side of Chicago to a less violent area. It seems that he was trying to change whatever lifestyle he was custom to make …show more content…
The basic of who we are as a nation must be confronted and dealt with. Ignoring the issue will not make the issue go away. The world is watching in mistrust and disbelief as we continue to act as if our country is whole. Would you stand up for your associate or neighbor when you see an injustice, no matter the color of their skin? Or would you look the other way as if nothing wrong is going on? In order to take act against the many criminal acts being committed within our country, we shouldn’t turn the other cheek or close our eyes to unfairness. We must rise to look injustice in the face and say, “THAT IS IT! We will not accept racial injustice or any injustice any longer!” If you pick to remain quiet about the injustice in your neighborhood, you are not helping to make things better. Will we remain quiet while our people are being killed or wrongfully imprisoned every other day without reasonable