He was younger than me but old enough to understand the difference between right or wrong. The dream was me and him in a place full of light and happiness, a place where only happiness, fun and teachings existed. I woke up smiling, prepared for the day that I would meet him. In the car, I fell asleep and dreamed some more. Since I had a sister at the time, and my mom was pregnant for another girl, I dreamed of a brother. Playing with a me at everything, sports, video games, art, drawing, and even talking (which little kids don’t like to do). I was happy that I would have a
He was younger than me but old enough to understand the difference between right or wrong. The dream was me and him in a place full of light and happiness, a place where only happiness, fun and teachings existed. I woke up smiling, prepared for the day that I would meet him. In the car, I fell asleep and dreamed some more. Since I had a sister at the time, and my mom was pregnant for another girl, I dreamed of a brother. Playing with a me at everything, sports, video games, art, drawing, and even talking (which little kids don’t like to do). I was happy that I would have a