Lenses by Leah Silverman
The main theme is humans can find it emotionally difficult to conform to society, but usually end up doing so. The meaning of this theme is that we all want to do things that are practical to society even if it feels wrong in our hearts.The main driving component which draws people too conformity are the desire to be accepted in certain status groups. People fear that if they do not conform to society, they will be breaking the social contract, therefore be rejected by society at not being able to achieve their personal goals. It is easier to do what is expected than following our minds and rebel. We chose this theme because we can all relate to it and is common in today’s society. Our identities are formed by us as individuals, but also by the world we live in and the other people who inhabit it. The media, our friends and our families all influence us in one way or another. For example, most of us follow the latest things or culture’s trends such as how to dress.This is important in most teens in our society because they don’t want to be judged and talked about in the general public. The media and the opinions of our peers are both things that we consider important. Even though most of us won’t admit it, we all want to belong. We want to be accepted by everybody, so to fulfill this desire we perform things that are against our will.
I Am
I am honest and truthful
I wonder if anyone else is truthful too
I hear many whispers and lies
I see sad, untrusted people
I want happy smiles again
I am honest and truthful
I pretend like lies don’t bother me
I feel bad for others
I touch people’s hearts
I worry about lies destroying lives
I cry if lies ruin my friendships with others
I am honest and truthful
I understand how lies can really hurt inside
I say truth makes a friendship stronger
I dream the world would be a trusting place
I try to