Learning to be responsible will not only help you achieve your career goals, but it will also help you become a better student and be successful in college. Even though it is often easy to get sidetracked and fall off course and lose sight of your goals, by being personally responsible you can achieve your goals and get back on track by taking accountability for your own actions, taking care of yourself, and managing your emotions.
“To err is humane” (Pope, Alexander, 1709). Taking accountability means being able to identify when you have made a mistake. Admitting you are wrong can be a difficult mechanism for a lot of people, but in order to learn from your mistake, you must first be willing to admit it. Making mistakes is not necessarily a bad thing. Mistakes happen every day. We are human and we are expected to err. What is important is that you see where the error happened, identify how it happened, and set up a process so it does not happen again. “Ownership is the ability to connect current circumstances with what I have done” (Conners, Smith, & Hickman, 2004, p. 101). People cannot grow if they do not learn from their past mistakes.
The same goes for those who refuse to take any action at all. Many times, people are afraid to own up to their mistakes and stay quiet in the hopes that the circumstance will work itself out. Conners, Smith, & Hickman (2004), describe how people need to stop being spectators and jump onto the playing field and accept ownership for your circumstances, no matter how bad the situation is. Sometimes, no action is probably worse than making the mistake. At least the mistake identifies you made an attempt.
Personal responsibility also means taking care of yourself. Getting regular exercise will helps you sleep better at night so you can function the next day. Good eating habits will not make you feel sluggish as greasy fast food can often make you feel. Making it a point to take regular
References: Conners, R., Smith, T., & Hickman, C. (2004). The Oz principle . New York, New York: Portfolio. Pope, Alexander. “An Essay On Criticism.” Poetry X. Ed. Jough Dempsey. 27 Mar 2004. 23 Oct. 2013 . Managing your emotions at work. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newCDV_41.htm Milone, Ph.D., M. (2013). The word is "responsibility". Retrieved from http://www.collegexpress.com/articles-and-advice/student-life/articles/college-health-safety/yes-you-do-need-be-responsible/