Michele Lewis
Meredith Villa
University of Phoenix
June 4, 2012
Is personal responsibility a bygone characteristic of our mothers and fathers? Sometimes, it can feel like this is the case. When an individual has problems plaguing them in their lives, many blame luck, circumstances, or someone else. Many times, these issues have been caused by the individual themselves. We can only hope that, as time goes on, we as a society can realize personal responsibility once again.
When we think of our families, we think of our own children, if we have them. As responsible parents, we need to make certain that they are fed, schooled, healthy, and happy. To maintain our children and these needs, we must have the personal responsibility to tend to these needs. Without personal responsibility, our children would either have to fend for themselves or someone would have to step in and take that responsibility. Most of us do not have any issues taking care of our children because we love them and are obligated by this love.
In the same regard as our children, we are personally responsible to our spouses as well. Our spouses, more than likely, have careers where they need our support. There are also shared responsibilities around the home and to our children. Our spouses are also our teammates, who helps make up a whole unit. We must also remember that our spouses need our love and attention to sustain the marriage that both are committed.
As many know, if we do not accept personal responsibility to our jobs, chances are we will not have it for long. Many times, we must remember why we have jobs in the first place. To sustain the aforementioned institutions, we have to be able to generate an income. To be successful at generating enough income to be able to live comfortably, we must be on time and able to complete the details of our jobs. This entails personal responsibility.
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