In this article, the author Ronald D. Sylvia speaks on the management of human resources and its difficulty in the preservation, and integrity in personnel administration on the local government level. In reading the article the author gives us a brief history of how the hiring process in the local government became so corrupt. Due to several legal and social constraints faced by public managers in the public sector of the human resource. Also in this article the author informs his reader on merit recruitment, employee discipline systems, and equal opportunity, affirmative action, and unionization.
One of the prevalent topics in managing human resources is keeping the integrity when it comes to hiring employees. In one passage Sylvia discusses the term patronage; Patronage is when a person hires a friend or family member or a person of a similar political party to come and do a particular job even if they don’t have the right qualifications. The only issue with this the person they hire might be under qualified for the position. This lead to most of the corruption within the government, due to the use of the merit system you are able to distinguish which employees are qualified for a specific job description. We found that the merit system has become a helpful tool to reduce the amount of corruption in local government. Ronald Sylvia also points out ways to modernize the recruitment of agencies by presenting exams and other aptitude test to determine whether or not a person is qualified for a position, this way it leaves an open door for opportunity.
Reading this article, you see how the author has mapped out a complete understanding of how the local government handles its employee hiring system. Sylvia explains how one aspect of the merit system can affect the other. To totally remove patronage (partisanship) the author explains how certain disciplinary systems has to be in position.