To begin with, there would be less of a chance of getting in an accident. Some may think it would be a bad idea, but just think you would stop drunk people for starting their cars and driving away harming people that might we walking, running, or maybe driving. There might even be kid’s in the car with drunk drivers not knowing what happening.
More importantly, it doesn't take long to do. these handheld devices, typically attached to dashboards and connected to the ignition, use fuel-cell technology to measure the concentration of alcohol in a person's breath, so when you are drunk or high and you try to breath in the breathalyzer, your car won’t start. Did you also know if they were widely installed, the devices would save up to 750 lives a year. That’s a lot of lives we can save with this device.
For one reason that people think we should not get breathalyzers is because it will take to long to breath in in a wait. If you also been drinking it doesn’t operate your car. I still think it we should get them.
People also think they are expensive to put them in cars. I would spend all the money I have just to save a live. Just think about all the people we can save. That would be amazing, saving a live. Just think about the kids. Do you really want to put them in this kinda danger. I wouldn't.
My main reason is because I want to put an end to drunk driving, and people getting high all the time. There is always some that think they are capable of driving but there not. That's how accidents get caused, and more importantly taking a live away. That’s why people should have them in there cars.