Thousands of shelter animals are tormented and euthanized in U.S laboratories ever year. In these labs they are burning, shocking, and starving animals for weeks until they die. These unfortunate animals are also getting chemicals forcefully sprayed in their eyes, and moisturizer fried on their bodies. The animals are not provided pain relief either. Most people aren’t aware that their everyday products they use on them self was once tested on an innocent animal, and most probably died or severely suffered. Cosmetic companies should not be allowed to use living animals to test their products.
Pets like the little puppies with the huge floppy ears and belly’s you just want rub are being blinded everyday. The worst part about all of this is that the companies aren’t doing this because it’s their only option but because it is cheaper. Not only does the law not require animal testing, people are now just doing this because they are lazy and cheap. A close family friend, Anna, adopted her dog seconds before his eyes were going to burn to the point he couldn’t see anymore, and shock his body so hard he would have a seizure. Anna’s poor little puppy, so cute and innocent with big bulging brown pebble eyes was just saved from pure horror and terror. Millions of other dogs like Anna’s are dying everyday and people are able to change that. As you are applying your makeup tomorrow, or drinking your fruit juice think about what that little animal did to deserve the severe pain they went through. Animal testing is wrong and should be forbidden.
People in the world have voices, and when people don’t want to do something or don’t like something people say no. Unfortunately, animals do not have that power to say no to something, they just have to sit there and endure whatever is coming for them. It’s not fair for animals to have to sit there and endure this pain that could easily be avoided just because