An old saying about technology being in the right hands can be a beautiful thing is true, but allow it to get in the wrong hands, the entire world could be in danger. In the end of the movie Resident Evil: Extinction, Alice found someone had put a tracking chip inside of her body. Instead of using it to help with the wellbeing of her health in a zombie apocalypse, it was used to track her every move so the Umbrella Corporation could destroy her. I do agree that RFID chips are a good thing, but not if there are cruel intention behind it. Hopefully, the creators will do the right thing and not let evil win. Instead they can use to help with medical enhancements, and allowing better time management.…
Growing up hearing about the microchip from family members, Christians, freemasons and conspiracy theorists, I believed that it would not happen in my lifetime. Now as an adult, what was only talked about is now happening today. This leaves me to wonder whose predicted outcome for the microchip will be correct. I chose this particular topic because although fascinated with technology and the evolution of human progress and biometric verification I myself question what would be the outcome of this scientific development or what would this evolve into. Could the Verichip actually save our future or could it violate human freedom? Or Could this Verichip be “the mark of the beast?”…
Skin tags are extremely common and all of us will develop at some point in our lives at least one skin tag. They usually appear on your neck, chest, eyelids or in women case, under their breasts. In case you are wondering if they are dangerous, the answer is no, they are not. For your information, here is what causes skin tags and how you can remove them.…
Although it appeared that for the last few years that any sign going on a door of any public place that had to do with cigarettes would be a non-smoking sign, people are now more likely to see a sign that reads "buy electronic cigarettes here." People all over the world are starting to flock to buy electronic cigarettes as they become more and more known for easing smoker's minds as they realize they can continue smoking, but for being a healthier alternative to smoking since the smoker isn't inhaling extra chemicals and additives. It is simpler a better alternative to smoking without all the harmful effects associated with a real cigarette. It's not uncommon now to see people choosing buy electric cigarettes instead of regular cigarettes.…
Having proof of guilt, the suspect pleads guilty with no further judicial action. According to David Bakardjiev (2015) in Jurimetrics: The Journal of Law, Science & Technology, the most promising advantage of BWCs is providing judges and jurors the ability to witness conversations, emotions, and body language as well as physical wounds and other scenario based evidence as it unfolds in real-time at the scene (para. 9). Having credible evidence that shows physical proof of guilt of a suspect can provide prosecutors the justification needed in to proceed with prosecution and conviction.…
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send the homeless tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” Reference? America has long been the land of freedom and hope to the world, and the American military is what has kept her that way. People have forgotten how important and valuable the military is to the world that we live in. As part of the Budget Control Act of 2011, automatic sequestration calls for $1.2 trillion in lowered federal spending, with 50% coming from defense and 50% coming from non-defense budgets. If Congress cannot reach an agreement, these cuts will reduce the Department of Defense spending by about $55 billion dollars. On September 11, 2001, the United States faced a difficult time in which 3,000 lives were lost due to an attack upon the U.S. by terrorists who hijacked airplanes and crashed them into the Twin Towers in New York City, the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and the United States Pennsylvania! That day, 9/11, has become a day in which we remember the lives that were lost and the families who were affected by such a tragedy. We called on our military once again, and they were there to protect our country. I am against automatic sequestration towards the military and military programs for many reasons.…
When Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was fatally shot by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, in August 2014. Several witnesses said Mr. Brown punched Officer Wilson while Mr. Brown was partly inside the vehicle. Also in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Alton Sterling was shot to death by two police officers graphic cellphone video recorded by a witness and the store’s owner, appears to show Alton a thirty-seven years old being tackled and shot as two cops pin him to the ground before he is killed, authorities said. Today people keep asking what will be the end of violence in our country.…
For generations people of color have been put into a system caste of injustice. From slavery, to the Jim Crow era, and now in today’s society. Today in the United States the incarceration rate has nearly tripled over the years. With the significant increase in the incarceration rates, it leads you to wonder what the cause may be. The government has found a way to indirectly create another system caste, which we live in today. That system caste is called the mass incarceration, also known as the New Jim Crow. In the mass incarceration one term can describe the whole system of injustice; The Prison Industrial Complex. The Prison Industrial…
Police officers seem to have gotten away with beatings, murders, and multiple other acts of violence towards the people that they swore to protect. It is time for the people to make a stand. Times have changed and so should the way that the police choose to handle things. Three things that need to happen to decrease police brutality are the use of body cameras by all police, the police pay for wrongful deaths, and the community come together to decide if a police officer should be charged or not.…
Thomas Jefferson once said, “A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither.” Some communities constantly face complications such as being illegally searched by the police. As citizens, the fourth Amendment gives us the right as people to be secure in our persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable search. But it seems as if the Fourth Amendment has lost its authority when it comes to Stop and Frisk programs. People think that it prevents crimes, but these searches are often unsuccessful at catching criminals. It’s a violation of rights and I believe that no police department should be able to do it. The police are supposed to serve and protect us. Instead, people no longer feel safe around police. In fact many have come to fear them.…
Because the need for organs is always present in our society, illegal organ trafficking is current and goes on every single day. At the same time, people who are legally and patiently waiting for an organ die in the process. Data from the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) shows that in 2010 alone, there were 90,000 patients waiting for a life-saving organ. From those on the waiting lists, there were only 17,000 transplants performed that year. About 10,500 of them were from dead donors while only 3,000 came from live donors. Meanwhile there were about 28,000 names removed from the UNOS waiting list. Want to know what happened to the other 11,000 patients? 4,600 names were removed because the patients died waiting while the other 2,100 names were deleted because the patients became too sick to withstand the transplant.…
Online, physically, or verbally you can be a victim of being bullied. You don’t have to keep things as they are. The question is how to handle the situation (Do you attack the bully and become the bully yourself? Or do you ignore the bully and pretend all is well?) What you do is speak up and ask for help. I would know, because not only was I a victim, I was also a person who stood by and simply watched it happen.…
Review “How Should I Brainstorm?” in the media piece “The Writing Process.” The media piece “The Writing Process” explores six ways to brainstorm:…
Starbucks coffee, nerd glasses, dyed hair, and all-star converse shoes are some of the main ways to pull of the so-called hipster look. Teens and young adults are all about being up to date with fashion and technology. One could consider Wearable Technology to be the new fashion trend to sweep the 21st century fashion magazines. As a college student in her early 20s, I can say using wearable technology sounds like the best idea yet to have come to mankind. Let me rephrase that so we all understand what I mean. Looking at the current use of wearable technology as a social hub and then as an educational tool can lead us to finding the future of this new trend.…
Persuasive Essay : Many people would be happy and satisfied if they were in a relationship with money and fame. Doesn't that seem like the perfect life? Everyone begins to think that in life that's all that matters, and that's all they need, nothing could be better. Society dictates our morals, feelings, the way we do things and try's to tell us certain things we do are wrong and we need to do them the way they feel necessary. Our generations to come will have no clue what the meaning of a true, harmonious, happy life. They begin to think that not telling the truth is ok , and eventually get so use to it that even if they could hear the truth they wouldn't want to. It becomes part of their daily life. Clearly our society, or government has their own sneaky, conniving ways to try and brain wash everyone. Due to the problem that most people would rather have love, money, and fame, it's very rare to find some one who doesn't have any of that but is satisfied with only knowing the truth. People look up to celebrities, but they do not set good examples or try to be role models. In proposing a solution to the problem of adhering to the actions of celebrities, the analysis relates to Henry David Thoreau's belief in individuality as he talked about in his book Walden. Who is your hero? Usually the answer to this question, at least for many of us, involves a famous actor or singer, a celebrity. The celebrities of the world are the wealthiest, most beautiful and most stylish individuals to walk upon the planet. These icons, however, seem to have no moral dilemma whatsoever with corrupting the public. They are role models to the public, just as parents are role models to their children. Children mirror the actions of their parents, as does society the actions of celebrities. Suddenly, few people in the world are content because they do not live the same lifestyle as Madonna or Michael Jordan. Henry David Thoreau offers solutions in his work, Walden, to the constant societal…