WRTG 101S – Persuasive Essay
Dr. James Wyatt
10 APR 2013
Legalizing Marijuana Although marijuana is widely thought to be party drug for immature abuse, the use of it as a marketing product could greatly benefit the United States economy. The fact that marijuana has various nicknames induced by the younger generations such as blow, weed, Mary Jane, and dank already gives it a negative reputation. Marijuana also plays a role in the war on drugs and is the cause of many gang related activities including countless deaths. It is clear that this drug has stirred up controversial issues within America, though only because it is currently outlawed. The impact marijuana has on the United States is remarkable, as it’s’ effect …show more content…
continues to grow all the way up the federal government. The controversy surrounding marijuana carries all aspects of all issues including ethical, religious, and even privacy related issues. Marijuana has an extremely high street currency and can cost as much as $50 per gram. At this high cost, combined with a very popular demand, marijuana generates more money than every other cash crop in America combined. The high cost has also been the reason for violence and robbery between street gangs. Marijuana is also widely advertised in media and pop culture as seen in movies and music. The drug marijuana derives from a plant called Cannabis. Cannabis dates all the way back to 2727 B.C. where is came from the Chinese Emperor Shen-Nung. Cannabis also was used among ancient Greeks and Romans. It was first introduced to the Western hemisphere in 1545 when it was imported by the Spaniards to Chile to be used as fiber. It was grown in North American in the form of hemp and was grown on many plantations where it could be converted to rope, clothing, and paper. The plant is grown wild in tropical forests and other humid areas of the world. When the Cannabis plant is converted to marijuana it is then used as a drug which can be ingested using different methods. The development of marijuana in America branches out mainly either on the streets or rare medical uses. It serves as the cash cow in its illegal use among street gangs. Sales are made every day despite law enforcement’s continued attempts to eradicate it from the streets. Some doctors administer cancer patients medical marijuana to help them cope with the stress and some of the symptoms. Its medical use also has its own share of controversy. Marijuana currently stands as a schedule I controlled substance in the United States.
Much concern is raised as whether marijuana should be classified as a schedule I controlled substance because it does not exactly fit the criteria for schedule I drugs. Marijuana is not biologically capable of becoming an addictive drug, though it is more of a psychological effect. It is also impossible to overdose on the drug to the point of death. There are currently zero deaths that have been caused by marijuana which would biologically make it a rather safe drug. This is used as an argument in the debate of whether or not marijuana should be legalized. According to the Controlled Substance Act of 1970, being that marijuana is a schedule I controlled substance, it currently has “no accepted medical use”. As far as the medical aspect of it, this is where most of the controversy is raised. Despite what the Controlled Substance Act states, many doctors would argue that the use of marijuana can help fight cancer and manage some of the side effects. Although the Controlled Substance Act bans marijuana as a medical drug, doctors in certain states are still able to and insist on administering the drug to supplement their cancer …show more content…
treatment. There are numerous advantages for the American economy if marijuana were not only legalized for its medical use, but for its recreational use as well. Cigarettes, although they are legal, are a huge problem in the United States and many campaigns against its use are promoted not only in the United States but globally as well. Many would argue that the use of cigarettes is even more fatal than the use of marijuana. Many doctors and researchers would support this theory and the numbers greatly support it as well. Cigarettes cause an estimated 400 deaths a year, while on the other hand, the use of marijuana a as a recreational drug has apparently caused 0 deaths. There may be arguments that there would be disadvantages to society if marijuana were to be made legal.
It is of concern that people would begin to abuse the drug in school and work environments, which would inhibit progress in society. People under the influence of marijuana would be incapable of operating a motor vehicle, and it is fears that many would attempt to do so which would result in fatal accidents. Despite the concern for these disadvantages, they can be fixed with the regulation of distributing marijuana to the public. If marijuana were to be made legal, it would be smart to apply the same legal regulations to it as those associated with alcohol. Any disadvantage that exists to the legalization of marijuana is very fixable. Due to marijuana’s high demand, it would be extremely marketable as a cash crop. Not only can the taxation of the drug assist America in paying off its debts, but the production of it would create new jobs. Also, since marijuana causes so much crime within gangs and urban areas, the legalization of it would greatly reduce the crime rate. Gangs would no longer be killing each other over the drug because they would be able to purchase it in a convenient store. This would reduce neighborhood violence and en route reduce deaths. Not only does the crime rate go down, but police forces will no longer have to use tax payers’ money to go out in the streets trying to cease the drug. And with less people in jail, that reduces another chunk of tax
payers’ money that is spent on the sustaining of prisoners. Concluding, not only is it simply a good idea to legalize marijuana, it only makes sense to do so. America’s economy is struggling and right now it would seem that only the legalization of marijuana could jump start the recovery process. It may be a risky decision, but it is a calculated risk in the countries favor, and without any risk, there is no chance of gain.
"Cannabis: History ." . DEA. Web. 9 Apr 2013. http://www.deamuseum.org/ccp/cannabis/history.html
"Legal & Medical Status of Cannabis ." Wikipedia . N.p.. Web. 9 Apr 2013. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_and_medical_status_of_cannabis
Lee, Martin. "Marijuana Fights Cancer and Helps Manage Side Effects, Researchers Find." . N.p.. Web. 9 Apr 2013. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/09/06/marijuana-fights-cancer-and-helps-manage-side-effects-researchers-find.html