Persuasive Essay
March 15, 2015
English 101
CHEMTRAILS: The Silent Killer of Man and Earth
Major disasters attract major attention. Whenever a plane crashes or a hurricane makes landfall, the event draws international news coverage and countless internet postings. Most of the time, people look towards experts, when they try to explain the science behind why a certain event happened, but for a small and vocal segment of society, the “truth” is hardly that at all. Enter the conspiracy theorists. No matter how silly or factually incorrect they seem, conspiracy theories represent a very real strain of thought. Most of these theories involve politics such as President John F. Kennedy’s assassination or other curious events, such …show more content…
as the Roswell UFO incident. Then there is the theory that revolves around the thought that the United States government is controlling or geoengineering the weather through airplane-produced chemtrails. The only conspiracy surrounding geoengineering is that most governments and industry refuse to publicly admit what anyone with eyes can see.
Known also as “Cloud Seeding” The practice of environmental modification is vast and well-funded. By now everyone has witnessed streaks of white trailing across the sky, stretching from horizon to horizon, ultimately turning the skies into a murky haze. Never in the history of the U.S has anyone seen and experienced such a pervasive and ongoing chemical assault on the citizenry in broad daylight. Especially an assault that is completely ignored, and therefore, unreported by the great majority of people who live under chemtrailed skies. These folks are completely unaware that their skies are literally being saturated, sometimes 24/7 with chemtrails chemicals. The Federal Government has willfully engaged in a premeditated plan to deceive the public. This plan to both deceive and spray chemicals anywhere the government wishes has been going on for decades. Yet they continue to assert that the chemtrails which many of us have witnessed and experienced are actually …show more content…
Contrails are the normal vapor trails which are left in the wake of a sky borne jet airliner. They appear at the very rear being ejected as the exhaust from the jet airliners, and dissipate quite quickly depending on the ambient atmospheric temperature, pressure and humidity at the time. However many people have become suspicious that the contrails expelled from jets today are thicker and linger longer than they did in the past. The term chemtrail is a combination of the words “chemical” and “trail,” just as contrail is a contraction of “condensation trail”. Many believe that the government could be experimenting with weather manipulation for multiple reasons, from slowing down global warming, to defense purposes. This actually isn 't as much of a stretch as it may seem. As long ago as the 1950s, the British were able to successfully "seed" clouds with salt, dry ice and silver iodide to make rain. Would it really be that hard to believe that our government as flawed and deceitful as it is, could possibly be doing the same thing?
For instance, we often see them heavily spray the skies one or two days before a predicted rainfall, thunderstorm, snowfall, hailstorm or any other type of precipitation event. This is without question the chemtrail program’s most predictable feature. When a major weather event is forecasted, the government’s chemtrail airliners are up there creating tic-tac-toe boards in the sky like at no other time. The rapid increase of chemtrail spraying over the past few years has greatly increased the opportunities for frequencies to be disseminated through the “new” atmosphere that is being engineered. These frequencies are set to produce a number of different outcomes. For example there are locations in Northern California and Oregon that have been without rain for six months. The forests in that area is literally dying because of the lack of water and their consequent weakening which makes them susceptible to pestilence and disease. Likewise, there are areas in the Southeast such as Florida and South Georgia which have just seen their first monsoon season in modern history. Although it is a very complicated story, and one that is almost unbelievable at times, conclusive evidence has been amassed that supports that the weather patterns of the entire world are being dramatically changed by this extremely shortsighted atmospheric engineering. The inevitable collateral damage, toxic side effects and unintended consequences caused by these chemtrails are forever devastating the global environment. Yet, with all of the irregular constant weather changes affecting the world lately nothing is being said by higher up officials.
Chemtrails is perhaps the most ignored government crime of all time because it represents government and private corporations playing god with no rules and restrictions.
What other species destroys its own nest so unconsciously and then, upon learning of its toxic actions, increases its actions to accelerate its own destruction? We are the problem, yet the geo-engineers are making it exponentially worse while spraying heavy metal toxins over our waterways and on our soil where our food is grown. We all need to pay attention and speak up for the untold millions who have been systematically sickened by this covert chemtrail program, so they will have their day of revelation and justice and so those who directly participated in this chemical assault on the entire nation will face the appropriate consequences. Then it will only be a matter of time that both this crime against humanity and the subsequent cover-up will be
Wiggington, Dane. "The Government Coordinated Chemtrail." Geoengineering Watch. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2015. <>.
McGrath, Jane. "What Are Chemtrails?" How Stuff Works. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2015. <>.