
Persuasive Essay On Gmo

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To start this out you should know what Gmo’s are in the first place. Gmo is an acronym for genetically modified organisms. People have a right to their opinion so that being said how are GMO’s used in an ordanary life style. From what people know such little of GMOs; It isnt certain if they are dameging our health or they are alight to be consumed. In Natral News thier is an article named GMO alert: top 10 genetically modified foods to avoid eating which not a surprise corn is number one. Yet this is just an eye opening to how far will the government experience on not only crops but animals as well. GMOs in some case are a nessecity while in other cases they shouldnt even be though of. For instace the fetherless chicken before it was modified to being featherless it was just a chicken who had feathers to began with. Even though it doesnt seems much to take away the feathers of a bird is like taking away all of the people nails and hair. The website thier is an excerpt about the man benhind this ordeal. The title is Israeli Scientist Unveils Featherless GM Chicken the genetics name is Avigdor Cahaner. His reasonging to this medthod is that with a chicken such as …show more content…

However the cons to such a chicken would be that “males are unable to mate, because they cannot flap their wings, and “naked” chickens of both sexes are more susceptible to parasites, mosquito attacks and sunburn.” (THE GENETICALLY MODIFIED CHICKEN). Thier feathers are protection to the outword that they cannot control. Thier are many other reason why people may see it as either fantastic to do and how this is not

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