Although, there are upsides to GMOS which could help us end world hunger but without the proper testing on these. The impact on the environment can make what most people refer to them as “Superweeds”, weeds resistant to most of the pesticides, or herbicides. Labeling products is for the best because some people are getting cancer from possible carcinogens. Not seeing a “GMO added”, “Made from GMOs”, or “Made With GMOs” label a person might not realize that they may be allergic to the added hormones. More and more animal foods are made with GMO’s which may cause animals to develop tumors and tumors may kill the animal sooner than their full lifespan (Smith).
There are ballots to make a law stating that all products with GMOs are being labeled correctly. The ballots were tried two times before. They didn't pass them because the major companies are afraid that the population would stop buying their products if they labeled them. Congress had them vetoed. Most companies avoid labeling their products as being or using GMO’s in the processing of their products because they are afraid the population will stop buying their product(Tufts