First of all,Did you ever wonder who made or who had the idea of a race over portion of Iditardo? It state in the article "History Of Iditardo" paragraph 16 it responds that "the idea of the race of Iditardo trail was conceived by Darothy in 1964.
Second of all,who ever want to Alaska.Did you know that in 1890 to the early 1900 there were settler.The settler were in Alaska because they were a gold strike.
Third of all,Did you once thought of giving up because you cant reach what you wanted to do or wanted to happened.Will
in the paragraph you will change your mind.In Alaska there was a guy named Joe Redington. Well he had hop .Once Joe told himself that he was not going to give up that he was going to preserve the history of Iditardo. So he made a plan with his friend.It was the day of a race the race was called 'The last race' there where about 400 volunteer.
To be finish,What i learn for the 'History of Iditardo' was never giving up like Joe he never give up what he wanted to happen.And yes his dream came true iditardo became history.
Word Count: 239