I am going to begin with Jay Gatsby and how he developed throughout the novel. We know right from the start the Gatsby is a super rich man who has massive amount of wealth but nobody knows where he achieved it. He throws huge parties which only rich people with high social status come and visits. In the rumors Gatsby is a spy he might of killed a man he graduated from oxford and so on and so forth. The first encounter between Nick and Jay Gatsby was at the party, Gatsby …show more content…
Much of his time is spent in trying to impress, and become accepted by, other rich people. He gives lavish parties for people he knows nothing about and most of whom he never meets. He is genuinely in love with Daisy Buchanan.”[Cyclopedia Of Literary Characters]. This is a huge part of developing as a character but how did he achieve his wealth. Jay Gatsby is associated with really bad men, before meeting with daisy Jay Gatsby and Nick sat in a restaurant for big business men where Nick meets one of Gatsby's associates Wolfsheim.”I don't want you to get the wrong ideas about me. ” [The Great Gatsby pg 65]. Gatsby is well aware of the rumors but he denies them he tells nick he was educated in oxford.”Educated at oxford”[The great gatsby pg 65] .He also tells