اللــهـ ــــم اخرجنا من ظلمات الوهـم وارزقنـا نور الفهـ ــــــــــــــــــــم
وارزقنا فهم النبيين وحفظ المرسلين والهـ ـــام الملائكة المقربين
صــلوات الله وسلامه عـــلى رسولنــا وعليهــــــــــــــــــم
In most elections there is a greater amount of non-voters than voters. People who don't vote are often apathetic, too lazy, thoughtless, or they belong to a religious organization or other organization that tells them or brainwashes them into not voting.
The Apathetic Non-voter
People who are apathetic feel that there is no reason to vote. The country is …show more content…
going downhill and it will continue to go downhill. The candidates aren't qualified. We don't know the candidates. And they all say the same thing. They throw mud at each other instead of discussing the issues. So why vote? If we vote it won't do any good anyway.
[pic]The Lazy Non-voter
The lazy non-voter just doesn't want to take the time to vote. And he figures all the other people are voting so how will his one vote count.
The Thoughtless Non-voter
This guy or gal just has too much other stuff on his mind, like finding a date, or getting to work on time, or pursuing an education, or any number of things. He just doesn't think about voting. In fact, he hasn't even registered. This could come under lazy also.
The Religion-based Non-voter
Voting in political elections is not allowed by certain religious organizations. Members of these organizations, which are usually cult organizations could be excommunicated or disenfranchised for voting. Members of these organizations are taught or brainwashed to think that our world is coming to an end anyway and there is no point in voting. When the world ceases to be, and the new world comes into being there will be peace without war, not more crime, and no more of any of the corruption in the world.
These non-voters really live in this world just biding their time and don't vote because they do not consider themselves part of this world.
The Non-educated Non-voter
This non-voter doesn't understand the voting system and has never learned that it is important to vote. They don't know how to register and they are fearful of learning the process. Often these types are recruited by the Religious organizations that don't allow voting. They feed on the ignorance of these people.
The Family-oriented Non-voter
This non-voter is closely related to the Non-educated Non-voter. His parents never voted and other family members never voted, so he doesn't vote because it is natural for him to not vote because no one in his family ever voted. He may have learned about voting in school but when he comes home and talks about it, his family will give him many reasons to not vote and they may even ridicule him for even thinking about it. Voting is learned. We mostly learn about it in our families and in school.
But it is important to vote. All those people, especially the religious ones who deliberately don't vote are really the cause of this corrupt world they live in by not voting. By not voting and giving a voice to our government, they are part of the problem, and really don't understand that they are part of the problem. And with more and more people not voting the problems of today's world can only escalate.
[pic]All American citizens should vote, because voting is a privilege. There is no voting in Communist countries or Dictatorships, or Kingdoms. The people aren't free to vote. But here in America we have the freedom to vote and we also have the freedom to be involved in the political process. There are countless local political opportunities up for grabs at every election. Due to the lack of people voting some political offices have only one candidate running so that he is sure to win. Without people getting into the political process they are disenfranchising themselves from Democracy and allowing little dictatorships within communities. There must be contenders for all political offices so that votes are real and Democracy is real. The people who don't vote are taking rights away from all of us.
People who do not vote are relinquishing their freedom.
Here in America, women had to fight for the right to vote, because they were not included in the Constitution. African Americans and Native Americans were also not included. All American citizens now have the right to vote.
But increasingly there are women and minorities who deliberately don't vote thus relinquishing their rights that were fought for and won. The American people need to stop allowing the brainwashers to take away their American rights as a people and come to terms with what it means to be an American and a citizen of America and the Global World. You can only blame yourself for a world that is not to your liking - steeped in War and Poverty.
It is important that there be more education regarding voting in the schools, to help people get out and vote. The American educational process is lacking in giving citizens the tools they need to be effective members of society in America. The educational process should include a lot more about running for political office, about knowing what is going on at every level of politics and community, so they can be vitally connected to a vibrant economic and social future instead of one that is drug-infested and crime
The legal age to vote in 1960 was 21, but today the legal age is 18, so all young people should get out and vote. It is your right and your privilege, and if you don't like things going on in your world you can become part of the process to make things better. Remember all laws here in America are made by the people. You have to be part of the people, and by so doing change laws, or bring about new laws.
And most of all, if you feel you can't do anything else, at least get out and vote.