The ultimate goal of biology is to survive. Unfortunately everything dies from the smallest bacteria to the largest whale. Some scientists have recently begun to research if there is any way humanity can slow down or stop aging by testing animals and maybe even ourselves. Even if humans can stop aging there are many social, ethical, and economical issues that must be overcome before humanity can take the risk of stopping aging. Scientists should continue to break social norms to research and study methods to slow down the aging process so that individuals can live longer lives. First, humanity needs to overcome the many social issues associated with living forever. If life extension technology begins to …show more content…
Some of this includes new advancements in gene therapy, body part replacement by regeneration and nanotechnology (Gonchar 1). Aubrey De Grey believes that in just 25 years scientists will be able to reprogram our bodies to to use the genetic material of microorganisms from soil to digest junk protein that builds up in our cells and we cannot discard of ourselves. De Grey leads the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence or SENS and has come up with seven plausible causes of aging and thinks that they can all be fixed (Than “Hang in There” 2). Step one of the process is stopping aging in mice because they are mammals just like humans. De Grey believes the research on mice can be completed in just over ten years. Step two is translating the technology to humans which will involve human trials and a general sense of approval by the community. This part could take at least 15 years but could also take much longer (Than “Hang in There” 4). Some believe that the singularity, a way to upload human consciousness into machines, is the way to go for living forever. Advancements in technology is beginning to to allow scientists to reverse engineer the brain and stimulate its different regions (Masci