Mr. David Jenkins
District Manager
Coleberry Financial Services, Inc.
324 Wall Avenue
Toledo, Ohio 69587
Dear Mr. Jenkins,
S Do you sometimes wish you could bring the park-trees, flower, shrubbery - back to the office with you after lunch?
A Floral Displays, Inc. makes wishes come true. We rent out and maintain gorgeous tropical plants for your office and reception area. For less than $2 per day, we can surround you in lush philondendron or hide you behind an elephant plant.
L Plants make business more pleasant and more profitable.
• Clients appreciate your thoughtfulness and admire your taste in softening the bare edges of business life with lovely plants. Happy clients spend more, more often. • Employee turnover (the great hidden expense for most business) is drastically reduced. Employees come to think of the office as an attractive, inviting place.
E Your reputation in Toledo as a leading financial services company can only be further enhanced by a modest investment in a more healthful, attractive and impressive office environment.
S Take a moment right now to call Marci (555-9049) for a free floral decoration analysis of your office. She will come at your convenience, finish her work quickly, then dazzle you with affordable decorating ideas. If you prefer, mail in the enclosed card for our latest color catalog of decorating ideas.
With best wishes,
Sandra T. Lansdon Marketing Director
STL/bck Enclosure: “Your Catalog Reservation” (return postcard)
May 15, 199_
Dear Neighbor,
We know lucky people like yourself who have already received the finest set of kitchen knives in the world-at incredible discount prices.
How much are you now paying for the best knives in your kitchen? $45? $50? $65? Even these prices seem reasonable for a top quality knife, one made from Belgian stainless steel, triple-tempered to hold a razor