1) Introduction
a) Attention-getter: After graduating from University of Wisconsin Madison with a pair of mechanical engineering degrees, William Harley and Arthur Davidson founded Harley Davidson. A little more than one hundred later, Harley Davidson is known around the world as the as the leading manufactuer in luxury motorcyles.
b) Purpose statement (one brief sentence): My name is Nick Boyce and I am a talent acquisition manager for Harley Davidson. I am here to inform you of our undergraduate internship opportunities, what we are looking for,what to tell us, and how to apply for.
c) Preview principle or order: Our ideal candidate requires and exudes 3 main skills, leadership, ambition, and reliability.
2) Body
a) Skill one
i) Name it: Leadership, a company without leaders is like an army with no generals, ii) Define it: a leader is someone who can has the ability to inspire others to achieve objectives, one who is self critical and always looking to improve. Harley Davidson is looking for someone who can not only boost company morale, but can challenge those around them and can effectively communicate strategy.We are looking for those lead by example and want to leave the workplace each in better shape then when they showed up. iii) Illustrate it: we are looking for proven leaders who have shown their skills through the work experience, community involment, and holding positions in student or campus organziations.
b) Skill two
i) Name it: Ambition ii) Define it: We want people who have a strong desire and determination to achieve. At Harley Davidson we believe that employees can only help the company if they want to help better themselves in their life and careers. Ambition is what makes us innovative as it spawns creative ideas and helps generate the necessary openess amongst employees for us to suceed iii) Illustrate it: When applying to Harley, you can