Purpose: To persuade my audience that International adoption has its cons but it has a lot more pros.
Central Idea/Thesis: The counter argument of international adoption, fees, what the media makes adoption look like, and the laws about adoption.
II. Attention Getter: The total amount of adoptions in the years 2006 was 17,029.
III. Credibility Statement: I’ve been researching the topic for multiple weeks.
IV. Thesis Statement: International Adoption is a human right for people all over the world.
This is something that helps save millions of children
V. Preview of Main Points: I will be informing you of fee s,what the media makes adoption look like, and the laws about adoption.
Transition: Lets get started with the negative things of International Adoption …show more content…
I. Main Point #1: International adoption leads to child trafficking and the U.S. has orphans that we can adopt. A. Subordinate point: Child Trafficking 1.Support: There has been multiple cases were an adults wanting to adopt, go through the process just to find out that it was just a scam to illegally traffick children without the adult knowing it. If you don’t know what trafficking a child is, well it is when you violently steal a child from their home and sell them for illegal purposes. 2.Support: Another thing that happens is when a parent who want to “adopt” sell the children afterwards. Some parents after they adopt a child from another country and then sell them for illegal purposes. B. Subordinate point: U.S. Adoption instead of International adoption 1.Support: In the entire world there are 163 million orphans. In the United
States alone there are 600 thousand just in the foster care system , how many are living on the streets then? A lot of people think that we should start with making our country orphan free before we start trying to make the rest of the world orphan free. 2.Support: Children raised in orphanages have a IQ 20 lower than someone who isn’t raised in an orphanages. Children should be raised in homes not institutions.
Some of the children living in institutions have disorders. Their development could be delayed in the childrens brain. This is from an article names Development Issues for Young
Children in Foster Care. From November 2000.
Internal Preview/Transition: Fees, what the media makes adoption look like, and laws about adoption are the following points we will cover about International Adoption.
II. Main Point #2: Fees A. Subordinate point: What the fees are for 1.Support: Fees are not buying the children. The fees you are paying to adopt are legal fees, and reimbursement for the birthmothers. The focus shouldn’t be that you are paying the fees. The transparency as to how the fees are spent and assurance that no fees were given to the birthmother to influence her decision in favor of making her child available for adoption. This was from Opposing Viewpoint in Context, International Adoption Should
Be Supported. 2.Support: fees are for application, home study where the agency makes sure your home is a good environment for a child. There is a Dossier fee the adoption program fee varies by country. The travel for the child. Then there is post placement ,That is a total of about $11,32523,275. This information is an article called International Adoption Costs in
B. Subordinate point: Why the fees are here 1.Support: The fees are for legal purposes and not for “buying” the children. As stated in International Adoption Should be Supported article from Opposing Viewpoints in
2.Support: Fees are also just to get into the system of adopting a child. You have to pay for the application and you have to pay for the home study the agency does.
Once you are in the system there are so much more fees to be paid.
Transition: Next,
II. Main Point #3: What the media makes adoption look like A. Subordinate point: Illegal activities
1.Support:In an article from opposing viewpoints in context in 2006 it says
“Mainstream primetime television shows in the United States, domestic and foreign press,and foreign politicians bombard the public with stories of kidnapping, corruption, body part sales, and greed that make it appear to those with no personal experience in adoption that international adoption is somehow an evil institution run by thieves, sinners, and ingrates.” These false accusations have an impact on children whose only chance of surviving is through international adoption.
2.Support: In a news article from November/December 2011 it says, “As news of child trafficking China and Guatemala makes headlines, rumors are rife about the negative aspects of international adoption.” If you noticed how it says rumors, they don’t have any evidence to support the rumor. B. Subordinate point:Decreases Adoption 1.Support:Media exposes have been effective in influencing national policies.
“For example, there have been reports that suggest children from Romanian orphanages were being ‘bought’ resulted in a sharp decline in adoptions from that country.” This was from an article, the year …show more content…
2007. 2.Support: Social and political factors are contributing to a steady decrease in both domestic and international adoptions, which hit a 15year low in 2010.
Transition: Lastly,
Main Point #4: Laws about adoption A. Subordinate point: Who may adopt from China All information is from the article titled international Adoption Law: A Comparative Analysis from the fall of 2009 1.Support: China has made very detailed and specific laws about who can adopt from their country. In 2007 China made a new adoption policy that prohibited of
Chinese kids. You can not adopt from China if you are unmarried or a homosexual. If you are either one of these you have to state it in the application. 2.Support: Before you are able to adopt from China, a couple must be married for at least 2 years,but only if neither of the spouses have been divorced. If either spouse has been divorced, then the couple must be married for at least 5 years. If both spouses have been divorced they cannot adopt. B. Subordinate point: Who may adopt from Russia All information is from the article titled International Adoption Law: A Comparative Analysis from the fall of 2009 1.Support:While China has announced extensive customs that foreign adopters be married, Russia allows adoption by both married and single
People wanting to adopt from Russia must be at least 16 years older than the child you are adopting. 2.Support: Russia prohibits adoptions by homosexual couples, but allows adoptions by unmarried couples. In the United States the partner that adopts the child is the legal guardian, while the other partner has to go through legal process to be a legal guardian of the child.
Internal Summary/ Transition: Today I informed you about the fees of adoption, what the media makes adoption look like, and some laws about adoption.
I. Signal Closing: In conclusion
II. Restate thesis: International Adoption is a human right for people all over the world.
This is something that helps save millions of children
III. Review Main Points: My main point were... A. Main point #1: Adoption fees B. Main point #2: What the media makes adoption look like C. Main point #3: Laws about adoption
IV. Call to action: We need to keep international adoption an option
V. Thank the audience for listening: Thank you for listening.