If you flick through the pages of the Bible, you’ll find that it actually speaks of adoption. Romans 9:8 reads, “This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring.” Before the 1851 Adoption of Children Act was passed in Massachusetts, informal adoptions were very normal. …show more content…
You’re probably thinking, “Thousands of children are adopted each year—why should I have to contribute?” Well, if you compare the number of orphaned or homeless children to the number of those children actually being adopted, the difference is unfortunately extreme. There are still so many children waiting to be adopted and finally given a family, and there are so many reasons to take part in that. For instance, there are millions of couples around the world wanting to start a family but are not able to conceive and have a child of their own; adoption gives that choice back to them, and couples are still able to pursue that dream of having a family of their