Some women, however, do not like the idea of feeding their baby in such a manner and are apprehensive to even try it. Other women wouldn't mind breastfeeding their babies but as they are going back to work within a few months, they decide not to start with it. But every woman is different, and you might find that breastfeeding will work very well for you.
Some Important Breastfeeding Facts
To help you understand the various advantages of breastfeeding, here are some basic facts …show more content…
At first, there will be a quick sucking action as the baby takes the thinner foremilk. As the thicker, more nourishing hindmilk comes in, the baby will start to suck more rhythmically, with the bottom jaw moving up and down with a deep action.
Common Breastfeeding Problems
If you are a new mother, you may find breastfeeding a little difficult at the beginning. You are already tired from the birth and your body is going through all of the usual postnatal hormonal changes that occur at this time. Until you have become used to breastfeeding, you may suffer from sore nipples. This should not be a cause of worry, as the skin does toughen up after a while. To help you, there are various nipple creams on the market that are safe to use while breastfeeding. Consult with the lactation counsellor or your healthcare professional to find out which one is the best for you.
You should also make sure to empty your breasts at each feeding. This is done by offering both breasts at each feeding. Once the baby is finished with one breast, burp them and then offer the second one. Make sure that the second breast becomes the first breast at the next feeding to make sure that it doesn't get left too full, because this can lead to