
Persuasive Speech On Child Soldiers

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Persuasive Speech On Child Soldiers
Bullets were flying everywhere as the sound of firing and explosions rang through the war zone. The smell of blood and gunpowder was fresh in the air, the child soldier licked the blood of his mouth and surged forward with his remaining strength, pulled the trigger of the grenade and flung it hard at the enemy. Yes, my friends, for more than a decade now the world has watched in dismay as hundreds of thousands of children and young teenagers have participated in nearly hundreds of these gruesome wars, mostly in the continents of Africa and Asia. These children are victims of forced recruitment as they are abducted and beaten into submission, brain washed through the use of drugs and alcohol, held at gunpoint if they do not compromise and …show more content…
Most commanders and organizations are actually seeking children as they are fearless and in endless supply, which shows that they don’t care whether the children die or not. Seventeen-year-old Abubakar told Human Rights Watch that "It was not my wish to go fight, it was because they captured me and forced me," and that “ the RUF would kill everyone in the camp if they did not rejoin the rebel army. Abubakar estimated that the RUF took at least fifty children out of the camp through the use of threats, false promises, and false rumors. ” Both of these powerful quotations show us what an impoverished life child soldiers had and how they were constantly put under such horrific threats just to re join the organization once again to kill more innocent people without actually intending to do so. On the contrary, people who actually support prosecution saying that child soldiers are morally responsible for the violent actions they perform and that murder is still murder. Although this is a sound point, history has unfolded that commanders brain wash the children to make them more compliant enabling them to commit atrocities which they would never have done before. A quote to demonstrate my point is that “ They are also forced into fighting through drugs and alcohol. The drugs, often cocaine mixed with gun powder, brainwash the children to the point where they would rather not escape from the horror unraveling around them.” This portrays that the drugs place these children under dreadful circumstances which are preposterous and that they have been forced to kill just because they are easily conditioned which verifies that its really not their

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