Comm 1
Persuasive Speech outline
Cell Phone Bans
I. Are Cell phones the cause of accidents, or is there merely a correlation between car accidents and cell phone usage. II. In the Middle Ages people noticed a correlation between good health and lice infestation. a. They inferred that the departure of lice caused illness, but this turned out to be an incorrect assumption of causation due to correlation. III. Association between two events does not mean that one caused the other. b. Correlation does not indicate causation. IV. Changing driver behavior, and creating safer roads is a challenge more complex than banning cellphones.
I. Changing driver behavior, and creating
safer roads is a challenge more complex than banning cellphones. a. AAA Foundation for traffic safety i. Frequent cellphone users are already bad drivers. The phone isn’t causing the accident, they are. b. Study from nonprofit Highway Loss Data Institute ii. Cellphone ban has not resulted in safer roads. II. A Law banning cellphones is redundant and causes unnecessary stress for drivers. c. Already we have a law prohibiting dangerous distracted driving. d. Cell phones were designed as a mobile device. e. Cellphones are have become a part of us. iii. Not being able to answer calls creates anxiety and distraction
I. The law banning cell phone usage while driving needs to be revoked. a. It is a redundant law. b. Creates stress on roads. c. Laws cannot create responsible citizens. i. Better to penalize those making dangerous maneuvers and educate drivers on dangers of distracted driving.