Many people communicate by cell phones on a daily basis. But they don’t know or understand how this will impact their safety. Driver distractions are becoming a significant problem in motor vehicle collisions. As stated by Cramer, Mayer, and Ryan using a cell phone while driving is hazardous and it magnifies their risk of having a collision, which multiplies the risk of fatalities (2007). Since people do not understand the risk of in vehicle cell phone use, I came up with this research question. Additionally, I wanted to found out how a driver’s safety is impacted by cell phone use.…
Distracted driving is a modern day epidemic. The National Safety Council reports that cellphone use while driving leads to over one-million car accidents a year. This image clearly shows the dangers of using electronics while on the road.…
Distracted driving is something that most individuals seem to do, because there are so many different forms of what distracted driving is. According to SafeState, using cellphones, looking outside the vehicle, individuals in the car, reaching for a device in the vehicle, eating and drinking, adjusting seatbelts or mirrors, moving objects around in the vehicle include…
Distracted driving is exactly what it sounds like. Distracted driving is driving while distracted. These distractions can range anywhere from eating to using a cell phone while driving- texting or calling, from loud music to having friends and family members in the car with you while you are driving. Almost anything can be a distraction as long as it takes your attention away from driving for anytime as short as five seconds. In fact, one study it said that eighty percent of all crashes and collisions and that at least sixty five percent of near crashes and collisions have to do with the driver being inattentive or distracted while behind the wheel. Three seconds may not seem like a very long at all, and it may not be…
Distractions, such as talking or texting on a cell phone, can cause drivers to take their eyes off the road for a few seconds, long enough to have difficulty responding to hazards and staying in their lane. These seemingly innocuous acts also can affect their mental focus. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University found that cell phone use behind the wheel actually reduces the amount of brain activity associated with driving by 37 percent ("A dangerous distraction," 2013). A report from the University of Utah (search) says when motorists between 18 and 25 talk on cell phones, they drive like elderly people — moving and reacting more slowly and increasing their risk of accidents ("Study: Teens on," 2005). It doesn't matter whether the phone is hand-held or hands-free. Any activity requiring a driver to "actively be part of a conversation" likely will impair driving abilities ("Study: Teens on," 2005). A 1997 Canadian study published in The New England Journal of Medicine used phone records to evaluate cell phone use patterns. Crash risk was found to be four times greater when drivers were using a cell phone, whether hand-held or hands-free. A more recent study using simulators published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology reported similar findings ("A dangerous distraction," 2013).…
People may urge that they are responsible enough to operate a cell phone and drive at the same time but if this were the case why is it that many injuries and deaths have been involved inquiring these two? We are completely distracted when using our phone. Their not only being used for talking, but sending texts, playing games, and simply not concentrating on the road. When your not focusing specifically on the road you are at risk. Not only putting yourself in danger but passengers, other vehicle, and bystanders as well.…
In 2005, a study put to test if talking on the phone is more dangerous than DUI. The results were that cellphone users, both handheld or hands-free, recated 18% slower to braking behind the car in front of them and were more likely to have a rear-end-collision than drunk drivers (Kiesbye 42-43). Which is astonishing news since no one ever compares drunk driving to being better than texting while driving. However, that is what the case is. No matter if it is handheld or hands-free phone, the chances of crashing are much higher than if the driver is drunk. Nevertheless, texting and drinking while driving are not the only life changing distractions that take place in a…
The popularization of advanced technologies today leads to the distracted driving directly. As smartphones and other electronic devices are getting more popular nowadays, more and more people use their phones while driving. As Sarah Doody proofs the fact in her article, Incentivize People to Ignore Their Phones while Driving, there is a shocking number of people use their phones while driving, their eyes were off the road because they paid attention to the screens (Doody, 2016). Of course there are many other types of distractions such as eating and drinking, changing clothes or talking to passengers, but the rapid development and popularization of technologies are the biggest threats for drivers. Thus, in order to prevent distracted driving, the related departments of government should reinforce the laws and find programs to educate drivers about the dangers of distracted driving in depth.…
Individuals have been engaging in distracted driving since cars were first introduced. It may be that they are eating while on the go, yelling at children in the backseat, talking on their cell phone or changing the radio station. Anything that takes a driver's attention away from the road is considered a form of distracted driving, as the person isn't fully concentrating on this task. It may also simply be that the driver is thinking of something else.…
Distracted driving takes the lives of thousands of people in the United States each year. 5,870 people were killed in 2008 and an additional 515,000 were reported injured due to distracted driving. According to the United States Department of Transportation there are three types of driver distractions; visual, manual, and cognitive. Visual distractions lead the drivers to take their eyes off of the road. Manual distractions lead the drivers to take their hands off of the steering wheel. Cognitive distractions lead the drivers to take their minds off of what they are doing. Experts say that texting is the most dangerous activity while driving because it involves all three types of distractions, but many parents will say otherwise.…
The most common reason of distracted drivers is due to the use of cellphones. Cellphones have been a major hazard on the road lately. One reason is texting and driving, two things that should not be done at the same time. Many teenagers and adults have been involved in car accidents either because they hit another vehicle, ran off the road, or rammed into an object because of their anticipation of finding out who just texted or is calling them.…
Distracted driving has always been a problem with our country since cars were invented but recently it has become an even bigger issue, now it is the leading cause of teen deaths. In our day and age cars have gotten faster and technology has gotten more advanced. We now have cell phones that can do multiple things and our cars also have their own technology. Cell phones pose the main threat towards distracted driving especially for teens. Since phones have been getting more advanced and being able to do more things on them, teens are especially susceptible to being on their phone while driving.…
Distracted driving is a very big issue with today’s teens. Our generation has a lot more distractions to deal with then previous generations did. Things like cell phones make a conversation more tempting even with text messaging even though it can cause a lot more damage then we realize. Distracted driving causes death and injuries, bad habits, and unnecessary common sense laws.…
People today claim they use technology for communicable reasons in the car, but this type of distraction is nonetheless unsafe. Cell phones are the biggest culprits for technological distractions while driving. In fact, the NHTSA gave information stating,”An estimated 34,000 people were injured in 2013 in crashes involving cell phone use or other cell phone-related activities, 8 percent of all people injured in distraction-affected crashes.”(Distracted Driving 2013 4). The effects that cellular device distractions has on driver results in many deaths. According to the NHTSA, in the year of 2013, 14 percent of death causing accidents were due to the use of cell phones as a distraction which, in total, was 411 fatal crashes (Distracted Driving 2013 1). The driver of a motor vehicle also can lose their own life due to not paying attention from technology. As stated by the NHTSA, an approximate 660,000 died of using a type of technology throughout the course of a day (Distracted Driving n.p.).…
Distracted driving happens when a person is operating a vehicle and partakes in a different activity that divides his/her attention. This usually happens when someone is using an electronic related device. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and other agencies there…