Examination of Ethics and Values between For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Organizations
PHI 445
10 December 2012
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America is motivated to create a well-balance community for our young youth. They are a Not-for-Profit organization that deals with helping children who are struggling at school, having issues at home or who just need a companion to talk to on a weekly basis. This organization relies on our community to help support them and provide donations to keep this organization running in every state in our nation. WinCo Foods is a For-Profit organization that deals with a cheaper low-cost warehouse based out of Utah that supplies this grocery market with low-cost deals that low income families can afford. They are privately owned, where each employee owns a stock of the company which allows everybody employed with this company to have a say in how this grocery market runs and earns their profits. There are positive and negative views that could be related to each one of these organizations ranging from federal budget cuts, to the cost of food rising along with lack of volunteers and working for a non-union company which creates tension within the workforce along with lawsuits. Each company has their problems, but each organization also has their own ways that keeps them in business even through our economic struggles which is what we are going to analyze throughout this piece of writing.
Examination of Ethics and Values between For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Organizations