In terms of human behavior, it showed us that people have the capability to abuse their power. We saw the results of this experiment as a necessary evil in the field of psychology. The experiment had turn out to be unethical without a doubt, but we believe that its enormous contribution to science and to life compensated for the risks of the research participants considering also, that there were no permanent harmful effects to the participants. Unfortunately, the participants became the sacrificial lamb although no one would wish to put anyone in the same situation that these participants experienced. It could be said that this study saved so many future research participants in research. This experiment is just one example of humanity at its core. The degree to which these so called "prisoners" were treated was nothing if you compare it to something that did happen in the past: the holocaust. It enabled us to understand the importance of ethics and proper protocol. In this study, it did not have many limitations, thus, it was able to produce a sense of rawness in human
In terms of human behavior, it showed us that people have the capability to abuse their power. We saw the results of this experiment as a necessary evil in the field of psychology. The experiment had turn out to be unethical without a doubt, but we believe that its enormous contribution to science and to life compensated for the risks of the research participants considering also, that there were no permanent harmful effects to the participants. Unfortunately, the participants became the sacrificial lamb although no one would wish to put anyone in the same situation that these participants experienced. It could be said that this study saved so many future research participants in research. This experiment is just one example of humanity at its core. The degree to which these so called "prisoners" were treated was nothing if you compare it to something that did happen in the past: the holocaust. It enabled us to understand the importance of ethics and proper protocol. In this study, it did not have many limitations, thus, it was able to produce a sense of rawness in human