Spain. The three armies were led by Marećhal Turenne, Marachal Antoine d 'Aumont de Rochebaron and General François de Crequy marquis de Marine. The armies took benefit of their numerical superiority by marching towards spain at the same time. The Spanish army was not so equipped and prepared for the war. These disorganized troops were heavily outnumbered by the French army. Hence instead of a large battle or war, small seiges took place. On 10 may 1667 Turenne took command over the french forces. The favourable location of Charloei compelled Turenne to occupy the land as it was a strong link between Northern and Southern Spanish possessions
Spain. The three armies were led by Marećhal Turenne, Marachal Antoine d 'Aumont de Rochebaron and General François de Crequy marquis de Marine. The armies took benefit of their numerical superiority by marching towards spain at the same time. The Spanish army was not so equipped and prepared for the war. These disorganized troops were heavily outnumbered by the French army. Hence instead of a large battle or war, small seiges took place. On 10 may 1667 Turenne took command over the french forces. The favourable location of Charloei compelled Turenne to occupy the land as it was a strong link between Northern and Southern Spanish possessions