She uses her own experience of being taken away from her home, "Was snatch'd from Afric's fancy'd happy seat;" (Phillis 146). This line symbolizes her home might have not been the best environment but she would still be in a better state back home in Africa. She also speaks about being taken away from her father, "That from a father seiz'd his babe belov'd."(Phillis 146). Phillis, in this line seems to be telling William if his daughter was taken away from him how would he feel. In the last stanza, Phillis praises William highly for all he has done for America, and she also implies he will be placed higher than any other man in history. This is clearly seen as she associates William with the prophet Elijah, “Where, like the prophet, thou shalt find they God.”(Phillis 146). Phillis comparing William to the prophet Elijah is a very powerful symbol. The prophet Elijah was a man close to God and many miracles were performed by Elijah during his time. Phillis is calling on William to perform a miracle, and that miracle is to free her people from
She uses her own experience of being taken away from her home, "Was snatch'd from Afric's fancy'd happy seat;" (Phillis 146). This line symbolizes her home might have not been the best environment but she would still be in a better state back home in Africa. She also speaks about being taken away from her father, "That from a father seiz'd his babe belov'd."(Phillis 146). Phillis, in this line seems to be telling William if his daughter was taken away from him how would he feel. In the last stanza, Phillis praises William highly for all he has done for America, and she also implies he will be placed higher than any other man in history. This is clearly seen as she associates William with the prophet Elijah, “Where, like the prophet, thou shalt find they God.”(Phillis 146). Phillis comparing William to the prophet Elijah is a very powerful symbol. The prophet Elijah was a man close to God and many miracles were performed by Elijah during his time. Phillis is calling on William to perform a miracle, and that miracle is to free her people from