An ecosystem is a complex set of relationships among the living resources, habitats, and residents of an area. Which includes plants, trees, animals, fish, birds, microorganisms, water, soil, and people ( ). The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, in laurel, Md encompasses a type of ecosystem, which makes it a unique environment t visit. The Patuxent Wildlife ecosystem contains many plants, wildlife, and lakes. In this essay I will discuss the structural and functional dynamics of the Patuxents Wildlife Research Center ecosystem of Lake Allen at North…
The foundation of the metaphysics of morals is a critical examination of a pure practical reason.…
Harvard university professor Dr. Michel Sandel introduces two lecture episodes that discuss a number of philosophy related issues. In the first episode “The Moral Principles” Dr. Sandel begins the lecture with a story of a trolley cart in a path that may lead kill one, or five people. The decision to kill the one person in oppose to five, is left to a show of hands by participating students. The hypothetical scenario he paints in the story is to introduce moral reasoning. The students then participate in a critical thinking discussion to conclude what would be morality correct, whether to kill the one person so that five should live or vise versa. His story quickly unfolds to introduce two moral principles, one being consequentialist moral reasoning and the second is categorical moral reasoning. In the second part of his first lecture, Dr. Sandel discusses a very popular nineteenth century law case involving an ocean stranded crew of four. Sandel proceeds to initiate the discussion of the principles of utilitarian philosopher, Jeremy Bentham. The inauguration of arguments of utilitarianism follows what is discussed in the second episode “Putting a Price Tag on Life/How to Measure Pleasure”. The lecture in episode two also includes discussions of critical thinking and arguments by the students to support their contrasting views. Part one of the second episode discusses the cost benefit analysis that companies follow to put a price on human life. The second part in episode two introduces British philosopher John Stuart Mill who argues that utilitarian, those who have experienced high pleasure and lower pleasures will desire the higher pleasure. Utilitarianism is further debated in the lectures of Dr. Sandel as he goes in to details showing how utilitarianism plays a large role in everyday life circumstances as well as in economic situations.…
Do all rough work in this book. Cross through any work you do not want…
Compare Browne and Nagel and give their arguments for why we should, or should not, be selfish. Give your own opinion and justify it.…
It is possible to interpret Freud as being committed to hard determinism. It is also possible to interpret Freud as believing in freedom.…
Body horror, biological horror, organic horror or visceral horror is classified as ‘horror fiction’ — in which the horror is principally derived from graphic displays of the human body. Other types of body horror may include unnatural movements, such as the ‘spider-walk’ sequence which was excluded from the original cut of ‘The Exorcist’, in which Regan MacNeil is able to run down the stairs of her family home in a ‘spider-walk’ position due to her possession. Again from ‘The Exorcist’, perhaps one of the most famous scenes in horror movies history — the full head rotation made by Regan’s possessed body during her exorcism. Body horror has been used over the years as a central ‘trope’ for several franchises — from the infamous Saw series,…
- understand that this is a debate regarding whether or not ethics is an objective or subjective discipline…
Course Description: The purpose of Philosophy 230 is to introduce you to the study of philosophical ethics. More specifically, our primary focus will involve a critical examination of some leading normative ethical theories – theories which attempt to determine what makes an action morally right or wrong; policies and laws just or unjust; states of affairs good or bad; and lives go well or badly. To that end, we will begin our course with the basic question of who should count in a moral theory; we will then critically examine leading accounts of intrinsic value; lastly, and for most of the course, we will focus on the question of what makes right acts right and wrong acts wrong. Here we will critically examine important works in Utilitarian, Kantian, Intuitionist, Social Contract, Contractualist, and Virtue Ethics traditions.…
Buchanan’s philosophy is that to enhance means to make better. Sandel agrees but, when talking about the human race, to play with the genetic makeup could very well exterminate the human race all together. If nothing else it would make the experience of life boring.…
Cite your sources and provide a Works Cited page. Failure to cite sources constitutes plagiarism. (If you are using websites, I recommend putting their URLs etc. in footnotes.)…
1. Jane Goodall is a noted humanitarian, environmentalist, and has spent many years observing the behaviour of Chimpanzees in their native habitat.…
Laughter is important for both human emotional and mental health and it can play a helpful and healing role in parenting and family life. Laughing is one of the healthiest things one can do when confronted with the major stresses and emotional pains in life. The human capacity to laugh is significant and to understand our laughter is to go a long way toward understanding our humanity. Laughter has not always received the positive coloring it regularly enjoys in today's free societies. Laughter is a malicious response to the ignorance of others, and a principled individual must avoid such a hateful response to the faults of others(Grunberg, 2011).…
In studying the nature of knowledge I find myself agreeing with empiricism. I find it to have valid points that make the most sense to me. Born without experiences, we go through life developing schemas, good and bad ones; however these schemas and ideas become a part of us, and helps us to see things as we have experienced them in past situations. The things we learn from these past encounters become empirical beliefs. As an empiricist, I need empirical evidence to justify believing in something. I find empiricism attractive for the simple reasoning behind it. I can know my mother is standing in front of me because my senses of seeing, feeling, and hearing are reliable forms of empirical evidence.…
- Taos analogy to water: water takes all shape, water doesn’t compete, it does nothing yet there’s nothing it can do, takes no form, all forms can be taken.…