What does the phoenix symbolize, and why?
In Fahrenheit 451 the phoenix symbolizes mankind. The phoenix symbolizes this because the human race puts itself in bad situations, then comeback and corrects the mistakes. As Granger described the phoenix “He must have been first cousin to man. But every time he burnt himself up he sprang out of the ashes, he got himself born all over again.”(Bradbury, 156). Mankind burn themselves to ashes but then they get back up and learn from their mistakes. Like at the end of the book they drop a nuclear bomb on Montages’ town. Then, all of the educated people leave their homeless camps so they can rebuild the city. In that case the phoenix can also symbolize society in a literal sense. The nuclear bomb destroyed the city and the educated people went to go bring it out of the ashes.
What elements of dystopian literature are evident in Fahrenheit 451? …show more content…
In the setting, it is futuristic and fictional. In the theme, the dehumanization of society being connected with technology, it is very prominent. There are many technological advancements and things in general that have dumbed the society down. For example the politics, “…I laid it on the line for President Noble. I think he is one of the nicest looking men ever became president.”(Bradbury, 93). They voted on him based off what he looked like. The schools also changed the children only come home three days out of a month. Fahrenheit 451 also comments on society now. For example in technology, people barley have to think anymore because we have internet all the