First of all, phonics is better than the look say method of learning to read because phonics has a firmer foundation than the look say method. Phonics is based on rules that the child memorizes; therefore, when he has memorized these rules, he can read almost any word he sees. A small article by the Abeka reading programs shows many rules that are taught in phonics, such as the following: “When there is one vowel in a word, that vowel usually says its short sound” and “when there are two vowels in a word, the first vowel says its long sound, and second vowel is silent” (“Six Easy Steps to Reading,” 1). When the child learns definite rules such as these, he is more likely to apply them because he knows that they will not change. Sebastian Wren writes in his article “Developing Research-based Resources for the Balanced Reading Teacher,” he tells that “children are explicitly taught the ‘rules’ about the way words are written and spelled, and they are taught spelling-sound relationships. After
First of all, phonics is better than the look say method of learning to read because phonics has a firmer foundation than the look say method. Phonics is based on rules that the child memorizes; therefore, when he has memorized these rules, he can read almost any word he sees. A small article by the Abeka reading programs shows many rules that are taught in phonics, such as the following: “When there is one vowel in a word, that vowel usually says its short sound” and “when there are two vowels in a word, the first vowel says its long sound, and second vowel is silent” (“Six Easy Steps to Reading,” 1). When the child learns definite rules such as these, he is more likely to apply them because he knows that they will not change. Sebastian Wren writes in his article “Developing Research-based Resources for the Balanced Reading Teacher,” he tells that “children are explicitly taught the ‘rules’ about the way words are written and spelled, and they are taught spelling-sound relationships. After