Phonological awareness is the ability hears and manipulates the sound structure of language. This is an encompassing term that involves working with sounds of languages at the word, syllable, and phoneme level.
Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear and manipulate the sound in spoken words, and the understanding that the spoken word and syllables are made up of sequences of speech sounds
( Yopp, 1992)
Phonological Awareness is the understanding that spoken language conveys thoughts in words that are composed in sounds (phonemes) specific to that language. It is the understanding that:
Words are composed of different sounds (phonemes)
Phonemes can blended together to make words, words can be separated into phonemes and phonemes can be manipulated to billed new words.
Phonemic Awareness_____________________________________________________
This is the student 's awareness of the smallest units of sound in a word. It also refers to a student 's ability to segment, blend, and manipulate these units. A student with phonemic awareness hears three sounds in the word bat: /b/, /a/, and /t/.
Phonemic awareness is the key indicator of a child’s success in learning to read and central to later spelling achievement. (Stanovich, 1986,1994; Ehri, 1984)
Children who have phonemic awareness skills are likely to have an easier time learning to read and spell than children who have few or none of these skills. (Armbruster and Osborne, 2002)
Children who cannot hear or manipulate the sounds that make up words will have severe difficulty connecting sounds to individual letter symbols and combinations of letters. (Adams, 1990)
Language Experience Approach (LEA)_____________________________
The language experience approach is an approach to reading instruction based on activities and stories developed from personal experiences of the learner. The stories about personal experiences are written down by a teacher and read together until
References: Burns, Griffin,& Snow, 1999; National Institute for Literacy(NIFL)