Module Details
Course Location : LUCT Cyberjaya
Unit Controller/Examiner : (Hafiz Safwan)
Co-examiner : (Hafiz Safwan)
Pre-requisite : (nil)
Co-requisite : (nil)
Credits : (4)
Contact hours : (4 per week)
No. of weeks : 14 + 1 weeks
No. of assignments : 2
Portfolio : 4 assignments + 1 Folio Presentation
Venue : TBA
Day : TBA
Time : TBA
Prepared by : (Hafiz Safwan) Checked by : ( )
Signature : Date Signature : Date
This document comprises the following:
▪ Essential Information ▪ Specific Module Information ▪ Module Rules & Regulations ▪ Grades ▪ Plagiarism
▪ Module Introduction ▪ Module Aims & Objectives ▪ Learning Outcome ▪ Specific Generic Learning Skills ▪ Syllabus + Lecture Outline ▪ References ▪ Assignment Schedule ▪ Assessment Criteria ▪ Specific Criteria
Other documents as follows will be issued to you on an ongoing basis throughout the semester:
▪ Handouts for Assignments ▪ Submission Requirements + Guidelines
1.0 Essential Information
▪ All modules other than electives are 'significant modules'
▪ As an indicator of workload one credit carries and additional 2 hours of self study per week. For example, a module worth 4 credits require that the student spends an additional 6 hours per week, either reading, completing the assignment or doing self directed research for that module.
▪ Submission of ALL assignment work is compulsory in this module. A student cannot pass this module without having to submit ALL assignment work by the due date or an approved extension of that date.
▪ All assignments are to be handed on time on the due date. Students will be penalised 10 percent for the first day and 5 percent per day thereafter for late submission (a weekend or a public holiday counts as one day). Late submission, after the date Board