Photosynthesis, is known as the process to produce plant food.
But, how does is the life exist on the planet we call our home, Earth? Photosynthesis is a process that we know that allows water, carbon dioxide, and some mineral salts along with the light from the sun to make glucose (sugar). During the process, the root sytem of the plant takes in elements known as nitrogen, phosphorous, iron, calcium, & potassium to help produce glucose. Glucose helps store energy from the sun into the plant. The photosynthesis process uses this formula (chemical equation):6CO2 + 12H2O - LIGHT- C6H12O6 + 6O2 + …show more content…
6H2O. The formula says that 6 molecules of carbon dioxide, 12 molecules of water with the help of light change into 1 molecule of glucose,
6 molecules of oxygen, and 6 molecules of water.
Cause this process occasionally occurs, the solar energy changes into chemical energy.
Then, it uses cellular respiration to make sugar into ATP. Photosnthesis uses celluar respiration to change or convert glucose into ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP contains: ATP synthase
(from adenosine diphosphate or monophosphate), substrate - level phosphorylation & oxidative phosphorylation(from cellular respiration), even photophosphorylation(from photosnthesis). The photosnthetic process involves many fields of science. The fields the process is involved in are Photobiology (in the branch of
Photochemistry), Plant biology, & Quantum Physics. There are many scientists who studied photosynthesis by doing certain experiments, here are a few examples. Jan Baptista van Helmont, a
Flemish chemist & physicist, grew a willow tree in 5 years. Joseph Priestly, an English chemist, put some mint in a glass jar while a candle was burning in the jar. Jan Igenhousz, another scientist, did a replication of Priestly's experiment to discover & influence the idea of water & light in a plant. Some tools & technology used were climate control computer, a assimilation process, a magnifying glass, a measuring tape, & the
newest designed technology, MIIPS Box 640. Photosynthesis is a helpful source of life. Photosynthesis helps plants be able to live by giving nutrients & being the foundation for energy to transfer. But, when it takes carbon dioxide & water to make it into oxygen for us to breathe. Without oxygen, we can't live for long. In conclusion, the scientist claims that if photosnthesis was able to exist, life would be inadequate. Photosynthesis not only gives us energy, it also gives us nutrients & oxygen to sustain life.