photosynthetic rate
Name:negar mir sharifi
Student number:212656302
Lab section:D4 The TA’s name: Anahit
The purpose of this experiment was to determine the influence of light- intensity
on the photosynthetic rate of Ceratophyllum, which is an aquatic and high oxygen
producer plant. The alternative hypothesis was that the rate of photosynthesis
increases as the distance of the light decreases. This is because light energy can
excites chlorophyll molecules more clorophyll mulcoulse as the distance of the light
decreases. Photosynthesis is a process in which the energy of light is used to
produce organic molecules. In this process Oxygen is released; therefore the rate of
photosynthesis can be calculated by measuring the rate of oxygen production per
unit mass (ml/hr/gr) (Taras et al.2013). This experiment was conducted in order to
determine the photosynthetic rate of 14 species of plankton algae, which were
exposed to the different light intensity. The rate of photosynthesis was calculated by
using different methods such as measuring carbon dioxide consumption and oxygen
production during the certain amount of time. It was found that the rate of
photosynthesis increases as the light intensity increases (Emerson and Green 1934).
This was an important scientific experiment because it might be able to solve the
food shortage problem partly for