My grandmother was the clear example of “if you don’t use it you will lose it”. She was retired and spent most of her time at home. The first most apparent signs of physical changes in her late adulthood were the grey hair, wrinkles, decline in vision and hearing among other typical signs. Specifically, she began to experience a medical condition called arthritis. Arthritis is the inflammation of the joints accompanied by pains, stiffness and movement. She no longer could go and do things as she accustom because she no longer had the capacity physically. She became very inactive and to make things even worse there was no cure for arthritis. Prior to this period she loved to entertain and go visit friends and family and she was very independent as she had separated from her husband years ago. She always believed why ask someone when you can do it for yourself. She also placed her time and energy into craft making by using various household items. She shifted from being an active vibrant individual to being somewhat passive. She may have recognized the reality is that she is getting older and furthermore the considerable shock that death is definite. Some interaction among the processes came into play here as I am sure this affected her cognitions and …show more content…
My grandmother was a victim of this disease. Alzheimer’s is a progressive and irreversible brain disorder that produces loss of memory and confusion, first recent memory goes then older ones. As a result of this she could no longer live alone which allowed for the increase of self devaluation and intellectual impairment. As the disease progressed she could no longer recognize family members. These physical changes led to the disuse and consequent atrophy of cognitions. As a result these factors in turn affected her relationships and her personality. She could no longer have sensible conversations and was frequently