The health changes begin to manifest in the middle adulthood. During the middle adulthood the metabolism begins to slow down. Most of the people begin to gain weight, hypertension, heart problems, and cancer also occurs in the middle of adult years. The back problem was asthma, arthritis, and rheumatism is also common. We can tell that result of middle age adult have to be sure to get a periodic physicals. A change in physical appearance can also begin to occur. They
The health changes begin to manifest in the middle adulthood. During the middle adulthood the metabolism begins to slow down. Most of the people begin to gain weight, hypertension, heart problems, and cancer also occurs in the middle of adult years. The back problem was asthma, arthritis, and rheumatism is also common. We can tell that result of middle age adult have to be sure to get a periodic physicals. A change in physical appearance can also begin to occur. They