1. References.
a. DoD 5100.76-M, Physical Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition and Explosives
b. AR 190-11, Physical Security of Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives
c. AR 190-13, The Army Physical Security Program
d. AR 190-14, Carrying of Firearms and Use of Force for Law Enforcement and Security Duties
e. AR 190-40, Serious Incident Report
f. AR 190-51, Security of Unclassified Army Property (Sensitive and Nonsensitive)
g. AR 710-2, Inventory Management Supply Policy Below the Wholesale Level
h. FC Reg 190-11, Physical Security of Arms, Ammunition and Explosives
i. FC Reg 190-13, …show more content…
Appointment Orders.
(1) Physical Security Officer [FC Reg 190-11, para 5 a (8)]. Each unit will appoint in writing a Physical Security Officer in the grade of E-7 or above.
(2) Key Custodians (Primary and Alternate). (DoD 5100.76-M, para C2.5 & AR 190-51, Appx D)
d. Storage of Night Vision Devices (NVD) & Bayonets.
(1) Night Vision Devices. All NVD will be stored within a facility equipped with intrusion detection systems (IDS) or under constant surveillance. NVD will be stored in a manner that verifies the presence of each NVD during physical counts. The person conducting the inventory must physically inspect the NVD, not just the presence of the case [FC Reg 190-11, para 7 e(1) & (2)].
e. Ammunition Storage.
(1) Only ammunition considered “operational load”, i.e. guard ammunition, is authorized storage within the arms room and may not exceed 4500 rounds. Storage of operational load within the arms room must be approved in writing by the first O-5 within the chain of command. Ammunition drawn for training must be stored at the Ammunition Holding Area (AHA). Refer to FC Reg 700-15 for additional information.
(2) Ammunition will be stored in sealed containers and recorded on all inventory …show more content…
(5) AA&E keys will be secured on a welded key ring.
j. Integrated Commercial Intrusion Detection System (ICIDS).
(1) Personal Identification Cipher (PIC). Personnel requiring unaccompanied access to their arms storage area will be issued a PIC. PICs are issued from the ICIDS monitoring station. Prior to being issued a PIC and an unaccompanied access roster and copies of the completed DA form 7281-R must be on file at the ICIDS monitoring station. The PIC is for use ONLY by the individual it is issued to. Sharing of PIC codes is prohibited and violators may be charged with violating UCMJ ART 92, Failure to Obey Order or Regulation.
(2) ICIDS activation. Prior to placing AA&E in the arms room the installed ICIDS must be activated.
(3) ICIDS deactivation. Once the occupying unit no longer has a need for the arms room, they will submit a memorandum to the DES Security and Access Control Division, requesting deactivation of the arms room. Arms rooms must be empty of all AA&E and sensitive items prior to deactivation of the