LO1 Know the structure and functioning of the human body
1.1 outline the main anatomical features of the human body
1.2 discuss how body systems interact to ensure the body functions and grows
LO2 Understand the relationship between body functioning and relevant detailed anatomy and physiology
2.1 explain normal body responses to everyday activities
2.2 discuss how body responses are explained by cellular and tissue structure and physiology
2.3 explain how the body coordinates its internal activities
LO3 Understand how routine data collected in health and social care informs the planning of care for individuals
3.1 explain the recording and use of routine measures in health and social care
3.2 assess how routine measures provide information about body functioning
3.3 examine how information about body functioning may inform care planning for individuals
LO4 Be able to relate routine
Variations in body structure and functioning to care received by individuals.
4.1 explain how age may affect body structure and functioning
4.2 assess the impact of common disorders on body structure and functioning
4.3 relate the effects of common disorders and infection to the care routinely given to individuals affected by them.
*Please see below the for Merit and Distinction criteria Description of problem to be solved
Task 1 (L.O-1: 1.1, 1.2 and M1, M2, D2).
(1.1) List all the systems of the human body with their functions and major organs.
(1.2) Identify how body systems interact to ensure proper functioning and growth of the human body.
Deliverables: Learning Outcome 1 (to be met by assessment requirements 1.1 and 1.2)
Merit criterion:
To achieve M1 you need to research in depth on one major organ in any 3 functional systems.
To achieve M2 you will have to mention appropriate references and valid academic sources for gaining information.