What is stress? Any force that pushes the body out of optimum homeostatic conditions
Stressors include Digesting food, exercising, waking after a long sleep Walking outdoors after being indoors Impending happy event such as a wedding or party, falling in love Arguments , over work, exams
The General Adaptation Syndrome is A predictable set of behavioral defenses/activities that a body undertakes to cope with intense prolonged stress
The parts of our inborn ability to defend against the daily stressors known as innate immunity are Physical barriers : skin and mucous membranes …show more content…
Chemical deterrents : complement system and interferon General pathogen-fighting measures: phagocytes, inflammation, fever
The skin is the largest organ of the body and is known as the Integumentary System The 2nd largest organ is the liver
The three layers of skin are Epidermis, dermis, hypodermis
The Complement System is a series of chemical reactions that combat bacterial infections
Interferon is a hormone that warns nearby cells to prepare and ward off viruses
Phagocytes are cells that eat or engulf and remove things that do not belong in the system
The Hypothalamus, Pineal, Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid , Thymus, Adrenals, Ovaries, Testes are all organs of the endocrine system.
Chemical messengers that trigger, regulate, and shut down homeostatic reactions are hormones
Cells of tissues and organs that specific hormones act upon are Target cells Hormones that are water soluble and cannot diffuse across cell membranes - and that affect target cells in seconds because they work with proteins that are already present in the target cell are Non-steroid hormones
Hormones that are lipid soluble and readily pass through cell and nuclear membranes of their target cells to make new proteins which alter the normal activity of the cell are Steroid hormones
Endocrine glands secrete Hormones directly into the blood …show more content…
The master gland of the endocrine system that secretes 9 hormones that direct activities of all other endocrine glands is the pituitary
What endocrine gland is both endocrine and exocrine because it secretes digestive enzymes and hormones for maintaining blood glucose levels by regulating insulin production and inhibition? Pancreas
When our nonspecific immune system does not provide adequate protection from pathogens, the immune response takes over which is learned responses to specific pathogens that work through the lymphatic system
The Tonsils, Spleen, Thymus, Lymph nodes, and Glands of the digestive system are all part of the endocrine system
The main function of the reproductive system is to produce haploid gametes and unite them to form a new individual
In meiosis of the female, one egg and three polar bodies are produced from one parent cell
In male meiosis four spermatocytes are produced from 2 divisions of one parent cell
The vulva is female external genital consisting of clitoris and two sets of labia
All are true concerning orgasm • There are 4 phases in both males and females • In the male, orgasm accompanies ejaculation • The female can experience two or more in a row and requires no refractory period between orgasms • Male orgasm does not automatically or necessarily trigger female orgasm
The ductus deferens (vas deferens) is a 50 cm tube that starts at the epididymis and runs into the urethra where sperm can be stored several months
In the male, during ejaculation, urine and sperm are prevented from mixing by the closing of the sphincter at the base of the urinary bladder
The birth control methods that have virtually no side effects, complications, or dangers are barriers
Evolution is an internal response to impartial external forces
Evolution is a natural process and has no purpose or goal
Stratagraphic dating of fossils is a method where fossil age is determined by the layer of earth in which it was found
Radiometric dating of fossils is a method where slow decay occurs in half life and can be measured to calculate age of the fossil
The bottle neck effect is a cause for change in allele frequency and occurs when large portions of a population are suddenly removed and the remaining population may not have a gene pool that is representative of the original group
The founder effect is a cause for change in allele frequency in a population and occurs when a small group splinters off to form a new population elsewhere
Gene flow is a cause for change in allele frequency in a population and occurs when organisms move from one population to another, genes are taken away from one pool and added to the new pool
Ecology is the study of interactions between biotic and abiotic elements of an ecosystem
Carrying capacity is the number of individuals a population can support without permanently reducing
Detritovores are decomposers that recycle dead plant and animal matter into substances primary producers can use
A producer is an organism that creates its own nutrients from inorganic substances and therefore does not eat
Different species partition resources meaning that they use the same resource but at different times or in different ways
Food chains are an arrangement of the organisms of an ecological community according to the order of predation in which each uses the next usually lower member as a food source
Women seeking to terminate their pregnancies have resorted to unsafe abortion methods where and when access to safe abortion has been barred
The current population of the Earth is 6,692,030,277 and the predicted time it will take to double is now about 56 years
Americans use 2,500,000 plastic water bottles per hour, 8 out of 10 end up in landfills, and they take up to 1,000 years before even beginning to decompose. What are they?
Recycle oil based paint in cans by bringing them to a Household Hazardous Waste Collection site
A major difference between the Lymphatic and the Cardiovascular Systems is that unlike the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system does not have a pump
Specific immunity is controlled by lymphocytes - immune cells that can recognize and remember specific pathogens
The problem with active immunity is that you have to get sick to acquire it
Universal Precaution means that every patient and all fluids are treated as if infected and therefore precautions are taken every time and at all times to minimize risk
A gamete is a mature haploid sex cell capable of forming a new diploid individual by fusion with a haploid sex cell of the opposite sex