CHENNAI-600 048
This is to certified that the project work entitled, “PICK AND PLACE ROBOTIC ARM “submitted by of ME 407-MINI PROJECT towards partial fulfilment of requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelorof Technology in Mechanical Engineering, is a bonafide record of the Project workcarried out by him under my supervision and guidance.
Assistant Professor
Project Guide
Submitted for the university examination held on__________________
Internal Examiner External Examiner
The elation that we experience on the successful completion of our project work shall remain incomplete if we fail to acknowledge the help of all those noble people who have constantly backed us during this project work. We zealously thank our guide,
MR. RAJARAMAN, Senior Lecturer, Department of mechanical engineering, for leading us expertly in the direction throughout our endeavor with his experience and knowledge. We are also grateful to the other staff members and the project Co-coordinator who helped us in doing our project. We extend our gratitude to our profound sense of gratitude, Dr. RAJENDERAN Professor &Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering,B S Abdur Rahman University, who has motivated us toward achieving success in our project.
Finally, we like to express our sincere thanks to all the teaching and non-teaching staff of the department of Mechanical Engineering for helping us in ways more than one, to successfully complete this project. We are in dearth of words to thank all our friends and family members for offering their constant support and encouragement during times when needed them the most.
A pick and place robot is a robot that can be programmed to literally pick an object up and place it somewhere. These robots are popular among business owners who