Trudeau was a man of greatness who played a considerable role in leading Canada to maturity as a unified nation.
Pierre Elliott Trudeau was a French-Canadian born left-winger who resided as Prime Minister of Canada from 1968-1979 and again from 1980-1984. Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau, or more commonly known as Pierre Trudeau, was born on October 18, 1919 in Montreal, Québec. Trudeau was elected leader of the Liberal Party of Canada in 1967 when Lester B. Pearson retired from office and in 1968 was voted into office as the fifteenth Prime Minister of Canada. Before Trudeau took office, Canada was a nation that worked to improve on their international relations as well as government reliance with the installation of student loans, healthcare and pension plans all federally funded. When Trudeau took office, however, the country entered the era of resolving domestic issues that faced the nation both as a whole and as individual citizens.
One of Trudeau’s first and greatest domestic challenges of his political career came in the fall of 1970. October of 1970 saw the climax of the attempted Quebec revolution, when the Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ), a separatist group based out of Montreal, attempted to convince the Canadian government to “rethink” Quebec’s place in the Canada. On October 5, 1970 the Front de Liberation du Quebec kidnapped British trade commissioner James Cross. Although this act of terrorism came as a surprise to Pierre Trudeau, he was sure to act swiftly to ensure the foreign diplomats wellbeing, while in the hands of the FLQ. The government's first attempt to do so was to intimidate the FLQ into releasing Cross by deeming the organization a terrorist group, and subsequently stating that “[the Canadian] government has no business dealing with terrorists.” after receiving seven