Copyright 1991, revised 2007, for Mesa County Valley School District #51, Grand Junction, CO. This article was written for the express use of the Art Heritage Program. No part may be copied in part or in whole without permission. Certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use. The information contained within this artist unit is a compilation of information gleaned from several sources, some unknown. If credit has not been properly given, please contact our office so this can be corrected.
Standards Information
The Michelangelo unit meets the following Mesa County Valley School District #51 Content Standards for elementary visual art: Standard
1: Students recognize and use the visual arts as a form of communication
Grades K-2
The student will: Create drawings or paintings, that communicate what he/she understands about Michelangelo’s art; Look carefully at things in his/her world (e.g. people, etc) and record, primarily through drawing, what is observed; The student will: Use art tools, materials and processes with care and safety to create drawings or paintings, and Describe the tools, materials, and processes he/she used to draw or paint. The student will: Recognize and identify the work of past and present famous artists. Examine and produce art that represents a theme shared through time and by various cultures (e.g. children, self-portraits.) The student will: Talk about the elements of art and principals of design used in artwork, including his/her own. Look carefully and describe what he/she observes in works of art, including his/her own of art.
Grades 3-5
The student will: Create drawings or paintings that communicate what he/she understands about Michelangelo’s art. In addition, the student will prepare a written or oral description of what